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Ver Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 08 en línea en buena calidad 6 Vistos.

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Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 08
5.6 IMDB
7.8 KP

Slayers (Los Justicieros) Temporada 01 Episodio 08

Duracion: 0n
Publicacion: 10 Agosto 2023
Sinopsis :
While in a town, Lina and company gets a message from Rezo. He shows his power when he turns a little boy into stone and demands Lina and company to his tower. Rezo tells them he could easily kill off the whole village. They have no choice but to ""talk"" with Rezo, which ends up ugly.
While at the tower, Lina wants to know the truth, but figures that Rezo must of struck a deal with that monster (from the last episode) to cure his blindness (from the stone) inexchange for ressurection the Dark Lord. They ask why meet them in the tower, and he responds this is one of the spots Shabrangido's parts are. Rezo steals the statue and manages to control Zelgadis (remember Rezo sort of created Zelgadis on what he is today). He forces Zelgadis to fight against Lina and co.
Rezo runs off into another room, while Lina snaps Zelgadis out of it. Rezo completes the ritual, but things turn when he got information wrong. It turns out that Shabranigdo only had a ceremony there, and not one of this
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