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Ver Ajin Semihumano Temporada 01 Episodio 12 en línea en buena calidad 15 Vistos.

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Ajin Semihumano Temporada 01 Episodio 12
5.6 IMDB
7.8 KP

Ajin Semihumano Temporada 01 Episodio 12

Duracion: 0n
Publicacion: 06 Agosto 2023
Categoria Ajin: Semihumano / Animes
Sinopsis :
The Metropolitan Police Assault Team use different tactics to continually kill Sato to prevent him from acting against them. Two of Sato's Ajin begin shooting the police, but are themselves targeted by police snipers. However Tanaka uses his Black Ghost to attack the snipers in turn. A break in the action enables Sato to revive and use his Black Ghost to distract the Metropolitan Police Assault Team so he can wipe them out by firing at close range. After killing them all, Sato calmly walks away. Mr Keita, the villager who saw Kei in the woods, sees the ensuing news coverage and recognises a picture of Kei.
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